More Past Incidents of the

Hazardville Fire Department

On this page you'll find photos of past incidents, fires, accidents, rescues and who knows what. Have fun poking through some of the "Big One's" that are now just a memory. Any image on this page can be enlarged by right clicking your mouse and choosing view image from the menu.

MVA, Hazard Ave, Winter 2001

Firefighters work at the scene of a motor vehicle accident on Hazard Ave near the Tire Country.

Fatal MVA, Hazard Ave at Dunkin' Donuts, 2001

The driver of the red Fiero was killed in this two car head on MVA. Firefighters had to extricate him from the car.

Barn Fire, North Maple St, August 27, 1985

A barn burns on North Maple St across from Hazardville Memorial School

Broad Brook Mill, May 22,1986

FF Walter Summers and Capt Bruce Hoffman in the bucket at the Broad Brook Mill Fire. Photo courtesy of the Hartford Courant.

Pearl St, Thompsonville March 12, 1979

Firefighters from Thompsonville, Enfield, Hazardville and North Thompsonville battle a blaze on the corner of Pearl St and High St. Photos by Betty Steele.

Scitico Plaza, October 16, 1976

Scitico Plaza on Hazard Ave burns on a fall evening. Photo by Betty Steele.

Main St, Thompsonville January 1962

A fire on a cold January evening destroyes 4 businesses, leaves 50 homeless, evacuates 500 from the local theatre and causes a half million dollars in damage.

Pilch Poultry Farm, December 1962

A fire at Pilch's Poultry Farm brings out 4 fire departments and causes several thousands of dollars of damge in equipment loss and the death of many young chicks.

Shaker Rd, Somers CT, March 1958

Hazardville Firefighters lend a helping hand to our brothers in neighboring Somers.

Other Miscellaneous Incidents

Left to Right - The interior of 53 Middle Rd after a December 1960 fire and Ted Smith's Hazardville Gulf burns in December 1962.

Left to Right - Hazardville Firefighters work to extinguish a fire on Maple Street in April 1966 and help out at Osborn Prison Farm in April 1961.

Left to Right - April 1961 a fire at Bridge MFG and an Easter Sunday fire on Starr La in 1961.

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© 2000-2001 Hazardville Fire Department, Enfield CT