Past Incidents of the

Hazardville Fire Department

On this page you'll find photos of past incidents, fires, accidents, rescues and who knows what. Have fun poking through some of the "Big One's" that are now just a memory. Any image on this page can be enlarged by right clicking your mouse and choosing view image from the menu.

20 School St, September 1966

Fire in a shed with a lot of hay inside at 20 School St, 2 of the photos show the firefighters working on wetting down the hay and the other picture is of Deputy Chief Jack Flanagan.

80 South Rd, April 1968

A fire in what appears to be a farm building located at 80 South Rd. (L) Deputy Chief Ed Allen checks things out, (C) observes the operations of nozzleman Al Courchesne and (R) Gil Vasseur, Jr goes for some hot spots.

Fatal Fire, Taylor Rd and North St, March 1966

(L)During the early morning hours, a fire rips through a large farm house in Hazardville (C) The origin (chair in foreground) of the fire that killed two adults and left 7 childrens without parents. And (R) a shot of the stairs leading to the bedrooms.

July 4th, 1966

(L) Firefighters work at 8 Main St which is now Hazard Ave and the site of Dr. Figeroua's former office and (R) then again on Cooper St as the kids keep them busy on Independance Day.

Fire in the Lumber Piles, May 1955

A fire in the lumber piles at Bridge's Lumber and MFG on Randolph St throws alot of smoke and heat.

Kula Mink Farm, February 1967

Members fighting a fire at Kula's Mink Farm on Broad Brook Rd, they made a great stop and kept it out of the exposures just a few mere feet away.

11 South Maple St, February 1966

(L)3 Children are taken to an waiting police cruiser after being removed by firefighters from the burning dwelling and (R) firefighters working at extinguishing the fire.

Hot Rod Club Fire, April 1961

Members battle a fire that destroyed the Hot Rod Club on Broad Brook Rd.

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